The RP-080 is a handy, versatile and easy to use signal generator with which salite receivers and coaxial cables of buildings can be checked. It generates up to 4 independent pilot carriers with selectable level (from 75 to 105 dBµV). | |
* 4 PILOT CARRIERS: 85 MHz, 750 MHz, 1000 MHz, 2150 MHz * Selectable and independent carrier level for each one: from 75 to 105 dBµV * LED indicators for each carrier output level * 13, 18 V and 22 kHz signal detection. * Power supply from the LNB or external DC supply. * Ergonomic and compact format. | |
RP-080是一種方便、多用途的和易于使用的信號發生器與衛星接收機和同軸電纜的建筑物可以查到。它生成zui多4個獨立的飛行員載體與可選的級別(從75年到105年dBµV)。 |  點擊圖像放大。 | |
4飛行員運營商:85 MHz、750 MHz、1000 MHz、2150 MHz 可選擇和獨立載體水平為每一項:從75年到105年dBµV LED指示燈對于每個載體輸出水平 13,18 V和22千赫信號檢測。 電源從該LNB或外部直流供電。 人體工程學和緊湊格式。 | |